Welcome to HOPE!
About us
We are a family with a diverse background. We share a passion for loving God and each other. We want God’s love to be tangible in everything we do.
We believe that we are living in an exciting time of spiritual awakening. While there are many questions and opinions regarding “how to do church”; we believe God is more relevant than ever. We believe He is calling us more and more to the simplicity of a genuine 24/7 relational faith, and that changes everything.
Because true love gives, we are here to serve one another and our community. We believe every church holds a piece of the puzzle, a key to meeting the needs of our people. We can work side by side, without fear or competition, to build a better world.
We have been in the place of hopelessness and despair and God has been faithful to meet us at our place of need, and has given us the privilege of bringing to others the same comfort and healing that He has given us. Our future looks much brighter than our past!
Our key is HOPE. Hope to believe again; hope to trust again; hope to love again; hope to heal and dream and make a difference. Hope to make earth look a little more like heaven every day; everywhere we go.
You are always welcome! Why not join us for this part of your journey…
Pastor Dave
“For I know the plans I have for you”, says the LORD, “plans to prosper and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11