Welcome to HOPE!

Our Beliefs
We believe that God is REAL and RELEVANT and deeply loves each one of us.
We believe HE is desiring a deep and personal relationship with all of us.
We believe in the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe God created the universe and that we are created in His image and made to show his love and compassion in all the earth.
We believe in God as a Father who loves like no earthly Father. He cares for us as his own dear children and has a destiny and plan for each one of us.
We believe in Jesus who is the Son of God. Jesus said that He and Father are one. God loved us so much that He sent His son Jesus as a sacrifice for all our sin.
We believe Jesus came willingly to this earth as the Son of God and took on the form of a man. He did this so that he might become familiar with all our temptations and sufferings (yet without sin). Most importantly, he came so that he could pay the price for the sins of mankind. Sin has a penatly and that penatly leads to death. Jesus paid the penalty of death when he died on the cross, thus making us free from that penalty when we receive, accept, and believe in Him. By his death and resurrection we also have eternal life. We receive forgiveness of sins freely when we confess and turn from our sin, He did this because of His great love and mercy for us. His suffering and death also provided for our healing, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The Bible declares that he took all these things on the cross.
We believe that Jesus rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and sent the Holy Spirit who is God with us and in us. He comes to dwell in believers to give them the power to love with God's love also provides us with power for living and sharing.
We believe in the Bible. The Bible is the written living Word of God. It is a blueprint for living, for comfort, and for instruction. Through the Holy Spirit we can understand what is written in its pages. There have been many interpretations of the Bible that have been translated by men. These translations endeavor to help us understand the concepts written therein. Though many denominations and religions have interpreted the Bible in different ways (which has been a source of conflict throughout the ages,) we believe that God will reveal to us His ways and will for us through the Holy Spirit when we read His word.
We do not believe that we have all the answers or that we could possibly be right about everything. We believe that God has a multifaceted body of believers who each play a different role in the grand scheme of things, but that we are all part of the same family and need to endeavor to work together in the spirit of unity to reach out to the hurting, the needy, and to fulfill His purposes on the earth.