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Our Mission: To raise up a strong relationally based congregation equipped, excited and actively making earth a little more like heaven every day.

Our Pledge: To give each one that walks through our doors grace, love, hope, help, healing, encouragement and the training necessary to become active participants in building the Kingdom of God in their place of influence.


Foundations of our Ministry: 


1. Vital Intercession- Cultivate a culture of prayer through consistent gathering of the watchmen for targeting international, regional, local and individual needs. Make prophetic declarations to change the atmosphere and bring the glory of God and HOPE to our community.

2. Worship- Cultivate a culture of worshipers. From expressing the fullness of exuberant praise and thanksgiving to intimate worship, soaking times and prophetic intercession, we love to express our passion for God.

3. Relevant Bible Teaching- Cultivate a passion for Bible study and bring practical application in the lives of our members, making committed, disciplined vessels of honor for our Master.

4. Fellowship- Cultivate a strong family culture in everything we do. The more we love God, the more we will love each other.

5. Community Service- Cultivate a faith that is demonstrated daily by works of service to the world around us. We can and will make a difference for good.

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